Why Does the Aerospace Sector Need Fall Arrest and Height Protection Systems?
In addition to aerospace production, day-to-day maintenance and testing puts technicians at danger of workplace falls that need specialised safety measures.
Productivity and safety are never mutually exclusive in an aerospace facility, and with the right fall protection measures in place, they may both exist.
The Importance of Providing a Safe Production Environment for All Workers
Providing a safe production environment for contractors, technicians, and maintenance personnel working on aircraft wings and fuselages necessitates the use of a comprehensive fall prevention plan that includes the proper combination of fall protection equipment, training, and cooperation with a fall protection firm that understands your facilities access points and potential fall hazards.
We are a full-service supplier of aerospace fall prevention technologies with significant design and installation experience across the wide breadth of the market sector. For expert advice on your fall arrest, or fall protection requirements, contact us now.
The Employers Duty to Procure Fall Protection Equipment in the Aerospace Sector
Working at height is a legal minefield, but as an employer you are legally required to negotiate it and make the work environment safe for your employees.
Falls from height are still one of the most common causes of workplace fatalities, and this frequently stems down to employers and workers failing to comprehend or follow regulations. To abide to key legislation, you must make sure your employees are prepared for working at height.
This couldn’t be more true in the aerospace industry as more workers are exposed to working from heights.
When Is Fall Protection Required In The Aerospace Industry?
When a worker is performing tasks at a height where a fall might result in bodily harm, they must have fall protection. This includes working on a ladder, gantry or temporary elevated surface and even dealing with an open hole in the ground. Sometimes common sense will tell you that no additional precautions are required; however, other times it will be obvious that steps should be taken.
Need more information about how we serve the construction industry?
Want to know how else we can protect your business from the risks of working at height? Let’s talk – 0800 652 8099
Other Industries We Serve
At Fall-Pac, we’re dedicated to bringing the best fall protection equipment possible to our customers. We’re committed to providing cutting-edge, scientifically backed safety goods and a personalised service that helps businesses grow via occupational safety. Our soft fall arrest systems have benefited a wide range of industries. Have a look below at some of the industries we service:

Fall-Pac has been protecting workers from heights since 2004 and has worked with many of the UK’s largest house builders and construction firms.

Fall-Pac’s Transport Safety System range has been specifically designed to protect workers from the risks associated with the haulage and transport industries.

Fall-pac works with a number of clients within the Aerospace industry. The flexibility and manoeuvrability of the Fall-pac unit makes it ideal for use in this industry where space is at a premium.

Port Authorities
Our units are used by a number of leading Port Authorities to provide additional protection to contractors and employees working on-site.

Most recently our Fall-Pac units have been used on well-known film sets, offering on set protection for the stunt teams during filming.

Our Fall-Pac units are used frequently in the utilities sector to ensure the safety of their contractors and employees.